In the business and entertainment productions worlds the pitch deck is a pretty common site. It’s a visual communication tool consisting of about 10-20 slides used to inform potential investors, bans or executives about potential projects or business ventures. Depending on the size and scope of the project, as well as type of ask, the pitch deck will vary in ornateness and complexity of content. 


The following is an Investment Pitch Deck for an entertainment project called BUMP.

This dramatic podcast series describes itself as Occult Noir, so from the get go you know your imagery is going to play a big part of establishing that theme.

That said, it is also an investment pitch so delivering advanced information like distribution strategies  and financial statements have to be delivered in a manor that still evokes feelings of competence.

For this production, hi-key black and white minimalism really made the most sense to achieve that clean and elegant, but mysterious feel.

Currently this production is on hiatus, but episodes are being written, by writer/ director Elijah Willis.